Are you crazy? If we open the cabins, more water will flush into the ship that will pressure the ship to sink! 船长是不是疯了,往里面灌水只会增加船的压力,使船下沉,这不是自寻死路吗?
That year, Indian officials said, an Indian naval vessel sailing toward a port in Vietnam was contacted on an open radio channel by a caller who identified himself as a Chinese official and said the Indian ship was in Chinese waters. 印度官员称,当年一艘驶向越南港口的印度军舰收到一个公共无线电频道的呼叫,对方称自己是中国官员,并表示这艘印度船只正处于中国水域。
All the beds are aired, and she never leaves the house, and observe, the window is open. For all the use we are to her, we might well go back to the ship. 三张床上的被褥都晾过了,她也从不出门;请看,窗子是开着的。尽管我们可以留下为她效劳,但我们还是不如回到船上去。
Produce goods such as rum and horses, trade slaves on the open market for a profit and upgrade your ship to something a little more powerful, maybe a frigate? 生产货物,如朗姆酒和马,为了利益在公开市场上进行努力交易,升级你的船,使他更强大,升级成护卫舰怎么样?
The stern window was open, for it was a warm night, and you could see the moon shining behind on the ship's wake. 夜晚的温度仍然很高,所以后面的窗户开着,可以看到月亮明晃晃地照在船尾掀起的浪花上。
Open Ship Software Development Framework Based on Web Service Standard 基于WEBService标准的开放式船舶软件开发框架
Hear, a chief drove to assault boat to hurtle at that time past, is the head that wore a ship owner with the gun crest afterwards, forced to let him open a ship to pass by simply, sink to descend. 听说,当时一个团长驾着冲锋舟冲了过去,后来是用枪顶着船主的脑袋,硬是逼着让他把船开过去,沉了下去。
They must not be transported in open wagons on railways and, if by ship, no top loading is allowed; if by truck, they must be securely fastened up and safely protected. 铁路运输不得使用敞车,水路运输不得配装仓面,公路运输应当苫盖严密,捆扎牢固。
Hand in single rope grabs crane practical, is a hand in the air through the cords of discharging single rope grabs can open to grab ship. 手拉单绳抓斗实用于单勾起重机上,是一种通过手拉绳索在空中能打开卸料的单绳抓斗,多用于船上。
Others can take our open source code, modify it, close it up and ship it as their own. 别人可以取用这些开源代码,修改之,打包之,并放在自己的产品里发布贩卖。
Open and closed shelter deck ship 开式和闭式遮蔽甲板船
APPLICATION OF SITE MIXING AND LOADING SYSTEM FOR EXPLOSIVE TO CASTING BLAST TECHNIQUE IN LARGE OPEN PIT COAL MINE The paper introduces a new technology of explosion to tamp the underwater stone-tossing base of ship outfitting quay. 炸药现场混装技术在大型露天煤矿抛掷爆破中的应用介绍了用炸药爆炸方法使船用舾装码头水下抛石基床密实的新技术。
The evaluation method and system functions offered in this paper help to found open multilevel computer aided ship technical condition evaluation system based fuzzy technique, which can enhance the veracity, scientificalness, standardization of the ship technical condition evaluation. 文中提出的评估方法、系统功能有助于建立开放、多层的基于模糊技术的计算机辅助舰船技术状态评估系统,从而提高舰船技术状态评估的准确性,促进舰船技术状态评估趋向科学化、规范化。
Utilizing the Tide to Open Lock and Improve Ship lock Capacity 利用潮汐开放通闸提高船闸通过能力
A method to determine ship's under keel clearance for safe navigation in open and shallow water is presented in this paper by using shallow waters hydrodynamics, theory of the motions of ship in waves, ship model test data and ship maneuvering theory. 利用浅水流体动力学、船舶在波浪中运动理论、船模试验数据和船舶操纵理论,为船舶在开敞浅水域中航行提供合理确定富余水深的方法。
Triangle steel gates have quality light, rigidity large, operation flexile, open and close force light and time short, can use to be two-way gate which are extensive and applied in work gate for ship lock up and down head sluice. 三角形钢闸门具有质量轻,刚性大,运行灵活,启闭省力,启闭运行时间短,适应挡双向水头等优点,因而广泛应用在船闸上、下闸首工作门。
Long term prediction of wave loading and bending-torsion strength analysis of open hatch ship on entire ship FE model 大开口船波浪载荷长期预报和弯扭强度整船有限元分析
Development of Open Teaching Experiments for Ship Structural Vibrations 船舶结构振动开放性教学实验
According to the operation of the dockyard and the structure of ship lift harbor, open scheme of ship lift harbor was applied. 根据船厂的使用要求及升船机港池的结构特点,升船机港池采用放坡开放式的港池方案。
This paper examines ship open registry by the application of economic theory, discloses its new features, and the problem of ship registry in China was also analysed. 本文突破对这一现象的原有研究框架,运用经济学原理对船舶开放登记制度展开深入分析,揭示出其在经济全球化趋势下的新特点,同时也探讨了我国船籍政策取向问题。
The development of the open top container ship and the IMO requirements are presented. 本文介绍了无舱盖集装箱船的发展及其特点,国际海事组织(IMO)有关无舱盖船入级的暂行规则。
The calculation for torsion-bending-coupled vibration problem of the ship with large hatch openings by transfer matrix method is discussed. The point and field transfer matrixes are derived, and vibration analysis of open-section beam, closed-section beam and the container ship are performed. 本文讨论了迁移矩阵法计算大开口船舶弯扭耦合振动问题,导出了多种点迁移和场迁移矩阵,并作了集装箱船的弯扭耦合振动分析。
This ship's type data becomes with other tonnage ship type the new series ship type, for from now on open the exhibition oil ship research provide the detailed reference. 该船型资料与其他吨位船型形成新的系列船型,为今后开展油船研究提供详细的参考资料。
Dynamic analysis of open piling pier subject to the action of ship impact 高桩码头在船舶撞击下的动力分析
Calculation of damping vibration of pier with deck supported on open piling subjected to the action of ship impact 透空式高桩码头在船舶撞击下的阻尼振动分析
Because the open water efficiency of propeller before a rudder varies, a certain correction has to be made to the data of ship model self-propulsion tests, taking account of the rudder effect on propeller open water efficiency. 因此,在进行船模自航试验数据分析时,应考虑舵对螺旋桨敞水效率带来的影响而给予适当的修正。
The method was introduced firstly with which LQG control and open loop system mean value and mean square error of a ship lateral motion were calculated. Applying the relative value of two kinds of system motion mean square error above assessed the robustness of the system control. 首先介绍船舶横向运动多变量LQG控制与开环系统均值、均方差计算方法,提出应用两种系统均方差相对值这一统计指标评价系统减摇控制的鲁棒性。